At the president Argentina — the personal business conflict to Donald Trump

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Whether the victory Donald Trump on U.S. Elections 2016

the Government Argentina in the period of the electoral company especially did not express preferences in presidential race to United States of America, but, thus, Hillary Clinton obviously.

the President Mauricio Macri criticized Donald Trump at the end of August in connection with idea of creation of a wall on border with Mexico. Also declared that he will better feel about Hillary Clinton to develop the good relations constructed with the president by Barack Obama. "Trump's Tramp Pobed is a "neutral" event for Argentina", reports Clarin. Actually. the victory Donald Trump has global value. and Argentina will not be able to evade from splinters of this huge political bomb. Already now began span influence of this event on all sectors of economy and on interests of a ruling clique. For many companies, there was a direct threat of suspension of existing contracts and the agreements signed during visit Barack Obama to Argentina.

Personal about Mauriso's tnosheniye Mauricio Macri and Donald Trump last since the beginning of the 90th years of the last century. Then Donald Trump, using that is the citizen of United States of America, seized at Mauricio Macri real estate on Manhattan which belonged to the father of the present president Argentina. However, as well as it is necessary to the head of state, Mauricio Macri declared: "I congratulate Donald Trump on a triumphal victory and I hope that we can work together for the benefit of our people". Now the main task consists in ensuring continuity in work with contracts in the fastest and shortest terms. The government Argentina also excite considerable funds which were promised this country, during visit Barack Obama. It is a question of investments of the American companies within the next two years. Jorge Ingaramo, the known Argentina economist, declared in radio Cadena 3 interview that investments are temporarily suspended.

One more problem is protectionist measures which can be carried out by Donald Trump. He spoke about higher . And also, promised to revise trade agreements, such as NAFTA (with Mexico and Canada) or Trans (including Peru and Chile). One more bad news to the country is possible increase of interest rates. It will influence access to the global credit markets. The economist Nielsen Guillermo foretold that Argentina "can have bad times" if it occurs as United States of America are the country which "is part of globalization which has impact on development of global financial policy, politicians of the international organizations: The United Nations and International Monetary Fund"

In turn, the political scientist Daniel Zovatto predicted, "that increase in interest rates, can lead to devaluation of currencies in , and in Argentina, including. Growth of cost of the credits in dollars will strike directly on provinces and municipalities which already placed securities with maturity dates in currency, Yezhednevnaya gazeta La Nacion writes.

the Minister of Foreign Affairs Susana Malcorra executed formality, having congratulated Donald Trump, but also and expressed a regret concerning defeat Hillary Clinton. However, with it many women Argentina are solidary. First of all, feminists. And not only they. And not only in Argentina.

As were declared to the correspondent Information company "Regnum" by the figure of the Russian feminist movement Sukhareva Tatyana, the victory of the woman in presidential race to United States of America could become a sign event. And to stimulate feminism developments in the world, including, to Russian Federation: "After all now level of representation of women in the power to Russian Federation is lowest. Representation of women in the lower house of parliament as of September 1, 2016 was such is that Russian Federation took the 135th place. Now it is even less of them. Therefore, I am solidary with the Argentina feminists and Hillary Clinton" regret for defeat.

Marina Bogoslovskaya