International Monetary Fund Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the governmentIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the government8/30/2018RIA Novosti news agencyAfter presentation of this "document" did not remain any hope that next year the country will be able to leave crisis, and the standard of living of citizens will raise, after all even optimistical forecasts in the draft budget is a conscious lie9/16/2018TASSThe greatest threat for growth of world economy in short-term prospect is connected with risk of further escalation of the trade conflicts that will negatively affect confidence, the prices of assets, investments and growthThe greatest threat for growth of world economy in short-term prospect is connected with risk of further escalation of the trade conflicts that will negatively affect confidence, the prices of assets, investments and growth9/6/2018TASSIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the governmentIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the government8/30/2018RIA Novosti news agencyAfter presentation of this "document" did not remain any hope that next year the country will be able to leave crisis, and the standard of living of citizens will raise, after all even optimistical forecasts in the draft budget is a conscious lie9/16/2018TASSThe greatest threat for growth of world economy in short-term prospect is connected with risk of further escalation of the trade conflicts that will negatively affect confidence, the prices of assets, investments and growthThe greatest threat for growth of world economy in short-term prospect is connected with risk of further escalation of the trade conflicts that will negatively affect confidence, the prices of assets, investments and growth9/6/2018TASSIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the governmentIn view of the worsened conditions the authorities will work at the international markets which did not manage to be provided in advance in the initial program for Argentina, over revision of the economic plan of the government8/30/2018RIA Novosti news agency123243Company-related news+42 last week0Media Score250Rank position778Connections+296 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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