United Nations Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific RimIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific Rim12/14/2022To Kommersantj.RWe expect immediate involvement of the mechanism which has been specially provided for similar situations in section 21 of the Agreement on the Central institutions – UN arbitration — the USA3/24/2023Gazeta.RuIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific RimIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific Rim12/14/2022To Kommersantj.RWe expect immediate involvement of the mechanism which has been specially provided for similar situations in section 21 of the Agreement on the Central institutions – UN arbitration — the USA3/24/2023Gazeta.RuIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific RimIn particular, the ministry initiated work on accession to the framework agreement of the UN which is devoted to the simplified system of business and cross-border paperless trade in the Pacific Rim12/14/2022To Kommersantj.R122,929Company-related news+942 last week0Media Score250Rank position3,329Connections+1,598 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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