North American Free Trade Area Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finishedWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finished7/27/2018PRIMEIf we do not achieve honestly for the USA the transaction after decades of abuses, Canada [in the new agreement] will not be. The congress should not interfere with these negotiations, or I will simply break off NAFTA completely, and it will be much better for us9/1/2018Gazeta.RuWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finishedWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finished7/27/2018PRIMEIf we do not achieve honestly for the USA the transaction after decades of abuses, Canada [in the new agreement] will not be. The congress should not interfere with these negotiations, or I will simply break off NAFTA completely, and it will be much better for us9/1/2018Gazeta.RuWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finishedWe as sincere partners are interested in ensuring bigger speed in negotiations, I hope, there are conditions that in August they were finished7/27/2018PRIME1217Company-related news+5 last week0Media Score130Connections+47 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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