World Health Organization Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registereThe end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registere8/3/2021CRIrussian.ruSeparately would like to stop on QazVac vaccine. Kazakhstan was among the world countries which have the vaccine developed by our scientists. The following step is - recognition of the Kazakhstan vaccine by World Health Organization10/11/2021МИА "Казинформ"The end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registereThe end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registere8/3/2021CRIrussian.ruSeparately would like to stop on QazVac vaccine. Kazakhstan was among the world countries which have the vaccine developed by our scientists. The following step is - recognition of the Kazakhstan vaccine by World Health Organization10/11/2021МИА "Казинформ"The end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registereThe end of a pandemic is still hidden behind the horizon. Unfortunately, in the European region more than 1,2 million death from COVID-19] are so far registere8/3/2021CRIrussian.ru121,229Company-related news+228 last week0Media Score250Rank position1,351Connections+515 last weekNewsConnections TreeExclusive Articles
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