"The head of year Republic of Adygea" in education became the director of schools in Tahtamukai district

@Sovetskaja Adygeja
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The results professional competitions "The head of year Republic of Adygea – 2023" are summed up, reports Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea. Albert Skhaplok – the director of MBOU "No. 10 SSh" Tahtamukai district became the winner. Prize-winners declared the director of MBOU "Educational Center No. 18" Maykop Natalia Gordienko and the manager of MBDOU the development Center the child – MBDOU NO. 2 Maykopsky district Svetlana Drozdov. Diplomas of winners competitions are noted […] the Message "By the head of year Republic of Adygea" in education there was a director of schools in Tahtamukai district appeared at first on SA online - Soviet Republic of Adygea...