Maykopsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are builConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are buil5/26/2022Murat KumpilovProjects it is planned to realize near large operating hotels and popular tourist places. For Adygea is a Maikop area. Modular hotels will be constructed within walking distance from our main sights9/15/2023Murat KumpilovConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are builConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are buil5/26/2022Murat KumpilovProjects it is planned to realize near large operating hotels and popular tourist places. For Adygea is a Maikop area. Modular hotels will be constructed within walking distance from our main sights9/15/2023Murat KumpilovConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are builConstruction of a new water intake and the main conduit which will supply with qualitative water Maikop is complete and all settlements of the Maikop area is 220 thousand people. Two new water intakes on the river Tsitsa and a stream by Vodopadist] are buil5/26/2022Murat Kumpilov1285Region News+21 last weekHead of municipality since 2018Oleg Toporov0Media ScoreHead of municipality since 2018Oleg Toporov4:16:39 AMGMT+31RUS7 87777Dialing code119Connections+32 last weekPopulation61 104NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsОчередной жертвой аферистов стал 45-летний житель Майкопского районаArguments and the Facts - AdygeaYesterday at 6:04 PMPeopleGeographyMedia22 secAccidentsВ городе Майкопе возбуждено уголовное дело по факту крупного дистанционного мошенничестваYesterday at 5:10 PMCompaniesGeography1.1 minSouthern Federal District350 сотрудников «Адыгейских электросетей» повысят квалификацию в 2025 году — the Internet portal of community of energy industryYesterday at 12:27 PMCompaniesGeography40 secTransportation«Адыгейские электрические сети» подключили к электросетям 500 новых абонентов — the Internet portal of community of energy industryYesterday at 5:09 AMCompaniesGeography34 secSocial policyВ Штабе общественной поддержки партии "Единая Россия" прошел практический семинар "Актуальные вопросы деятельности органов местного самоуправления"State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company Adygea3/12/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography35 secOther50 работ представили на конкурсе плакатов «30-летие избирательной системы Республики Адыгея»Soviet Adygea3/11/2025PeopleGeography39 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today33European Commission, ECRating: 25-56Mention frequency25-56ConnectionsOrganizations791People751Places719Events203Technologies108Laws3
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