Giaginskaya district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-timeLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-time2/27/2022Murat KumpilovTogether with landowners we will estimate a state grain and an estimate of harvest, we will observe behind a harvest course in the field in the Giaginsky area. After – we will hold big preharvesting meeting in the Shovgenovsky area6/20/2023Murat KumpilovLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-timeLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-time2/27/2022Murat KumpilovTogether with landowners we will estimate a state grain and an estimate of harvest, we will observe behind a harvest course in the field in the Giaginsky area. After – we will hold big preharvesting meeting in the Shovgenovsky area6/20/2023Murat KumpilovLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-timeLife here has to boil. The Giaginsky area has deep cultural traditions. Involve the population more actively, use modern forms of work. That each inhabitant found for himself occupation to liking, with interest and advantage could spend the leisure-time2/27/2022Murat Kumpilov1283Region News+29 last weekAlexander Butusov0Media ScoreAlexander Butusov1:21:43 AMGMT+31RUS87779Dialing code64Connections+22 last weekPopulation31 971NewsConnections Tree
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