President of Federal Republic Brazil declared to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky absence of the military solution of the conflict

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President of Federal Republic Brazil Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva declared to the Ukrainian colleague Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky that the conflict in Ukraine has no military decision. About it on September 22 reported TV channel "CNN" to Brasil.Po to words of sources in diplomatic circles, the Brazilian leader called an ideal way the termination of the conflict and carrying out peace talks...
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Luis Inasiu Lula da Silva
Last position: Elected president of Brazil (President of Federal Republic Brazil)
Valentine Borisovich Rybakov
Last position: Permanent representative of Republic of Belarus (UN)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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