+1OfficialPoliticianVladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many peopleAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many people12/14/2023Международная жизньI want to thank our American partners for their support. Our forces come. We successfully struck the Russian forces in the Black Sea12/17/2023SmotrimWhether there will be it for us good or bad, the history will remember everything. It is very important that Europe did not fall today into indecision. Nobody wants that Europe considered unreliable. Or incapable to make decisions which itself preparedWhether there will be it for us good or bad, the history will remember everything. It is very important that Europe did not fall today into indecision. Nobody wants that Europe considered unreliable. Or incapable to make decisions which itself prepared12/14/2023RBCAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many peopleAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many people12/14/2023Международная жизньI want to thank our American partners for their support. Our forces come. We successfully struck the Russian forces in the Black Sea12/17/2023SmotrimWhether there will be it for us good or bad, the history will remember everything. It is very important that Europe did not fall today into indecision. Nobody wants that Europe considered unreliable. Or incapable to make decisions which itself preparedWhether there will be it for us good or bad, the history will remember everything. It is very important that Europe did not fall today into indecision. Nobody wants that Europe considered unreliable. Or incapable to make decisions which itself prepared12/14/2023RBCAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many peopleAll of us want the success, the happy end (...) . It concerns counterattack. It not cinema with the happy end, we will have no happy end, we lost many people12/14/2023Международная жизнь12310,322Related events+2,723 last weekPresident of UkrainePresident of Ukraine0Media Score250Rank positionPresident of UkrainePresident of Ukraine46years oldBornJanuary 25, 1978Kryvyi RihMarried toHelena Zelenskaya2,709Connections+1,338 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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