Three organized criminal groups liquidated in Kazakhstan

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From illicit trafficking it is withdrawn more than 21 tons of various drugs, including: about 5,5 tons of marihuana, nearly 300 kg of the hashish, more than 60 kg of synthetics and 250 gr. heroin. Activity three organized criminal groups on illegal cultivation of hemp is liquidated in Kazakhstan, the head of the department of counteraction of narcocrime reported at a briefing MVD RK Tlegen Matkenov, the correspondent of Kazakhstan legal portal "" reports. The large-scale operation "Karasora" which is carried out annually from June to October is complete. Its main objectives were – counteraction to cultivation, preparation and to hemp export from the southern regions...
Tlegen Matkenov
Last position: Head of the department of narcocrime counteraction (Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Government Agency