Kyzylorda Region Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,1In 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,111/23/2021Beybut AtamkulovModernization of the road Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan will allow not only to settle the passenger message, but also will have positive impact on social and economic development of Kyzylordinsky area2/16/2023Nurlybek NalibaevIn 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,1In 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,111/23/2021Beybut AtamkulovModernization of the road Kyzylorda-Zhezkazgan will allow not only to settle the passenger message, but also will have positive impact on social and economic development of Kyzylordinsky area2/16/2023Nurlybek NalibaevIn 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,1In 2022 it is planned to put into operation the project on production of sheet Orda Glass LTD glass in the 197,1 thousand tons per year Kyzylordinsky area. Investments make billion T42,111/23/2021Beybut Atamkulov1257Region News+13 last week0Media Score8:39:11 AMGMT+6131Connections+52 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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