Kyzylorda Country: KazakhstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-AtaThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-Ata9/2/2021Nurlan NogaevIn 2022 it is put into operation of 19 kindergartens, 6 schools, and in the Zhalagashsky area - the house of school students on 250 places. And for support of exceptional children in the city of Kyzylorda and the Karmakshinsky area 2 boarding schools on 150 places] are ope1/1/2023Nurlybek NalibaevThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-AtaThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-Ata9/2/2021Nurlan NogaevIn 2022 it is put into operation of 19 kindergartens, 6 schools, and in the Zhalagashsky area - the house of school students on 250 places. And for support of exceptional children in the city of Kyzylorda and the Karmakshinsky area 2 boarding schools on 150 places] are ope1/1/2023Nurlybek NalibaevThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-AtaThe ministry within realization of the mechanism of building of generating installations with a maneuverable mode of generation published the schedule of carrying out biddings for December, 2021 on platforms in Turkestani area and the cities of Kyzylorda and Alma-Ata9/2/2021Nurlan Nogaev1242Region News+7 last weekMedia Score: Low205years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 18207:37:06 AMGMT+57242Dialing code160Connections+47 last weekPopulation270 000NewsConnections Tree
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