In Luhansk People's Republic commented on words Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky about life in Donets Basin

@RIA Novosti
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President of Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky. Archival photo to Read information agency "RIA Novosti" to Lugansk, 15 Sep - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The deputy of National council of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic Pavel Nikolaevich Maly advised President of Ukraine to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky to look as there live people on under control Kiev territories, instead of to make comments on a situation in the self-proclaimed Donets Basin. Earlier Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky in interview to the Austrian newspaper Wiener Zeitung expressed opinion that on uncontrollable Kiev territories Donets Basin can arise disorders because people there live worse, than in other Ukraine...