"Кардифф" впервые победил на выезде, "Фулхэм" выиграл битву аутсайдеров: субботние матчи АПЛ

Завершились ещё четыре матча двадцатого тура английской Премьер-лиги...
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Fabiane Lucas Sher
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Dominique Nataniel Kalvert-Lyuin
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Victor Kamarasa Ferrando
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Real Betis Balompiye")
Chaglar Syoyundzhyu
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Lester City")
Dzheykob Gary Maguayr
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Manchester United")