Leicester Country: United KingdomViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directeI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directe8/15/2019Nicolas MaduroThere would be a little more time, I would think we won. And it is so good that at least one point gained. Lost points or earned? I think that lost. It is necessary to prepare for Leicester10/17/2021Zelimkhan BakaevI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directeI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directe8/15/2019Nicolas MaduroThere would be a little more time, I would think we won. And it is so good that at least one point gained. Lost points or earned? I think that lost. It is necessary to prepare for Leicester10/17/2021Zelimkhan BakaevI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directeI learned about the plan which Alvaro Uribe with the assistance of the ambassador of Colombia in the USA Francisco Santos who was discussed with [the representative of opposition of Venezuela in exile] Lester Toledo] directe8/15/2019Nicolas Maduro1268Region News+13 last week0Media Score44 116Dialing code265Connections+140 last weekPopulation337 653NewsConnections Tree
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