Newcastle upon Tyne Country: United KingdomViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birdsThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birds11/11/2022Alexander SemenovSpecialists of the 48th Central research institute of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation even in the tests subjected to destruction revealed traces of a genetic material of a high-pathogenic avian flu, a virus of an illness of Newcastle, avulovirusov5/26/2023Igor KirillovThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birdsThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birds11/11/2022Alexander SemenovSpecialists of the 48th Central research institute of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation even in the tests subjected to destruction revealed traces of a genetic material of a high-pathogenic avian flu, a virus of an illness of Newcastle, avulovirusov5/26/2023Igor KirillovThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birdsThe virus of Newcastle periodically is registered at people from groups of risk. For example, at employees of the poultry farms contacting to a sick bird. However a susceptibility of people to this virus the low. It proceeds easily — at all as at birds11/11/2022Alexander Semenov1296Region News+8 last weekMedia Score: Low+44 191Dialing code363Connections+37 last weekPopulation276 960NewsConnections Tree
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