День рождения Ленобласти в Выборге: фоторепортаж

Online47 побывал на празднике, посвященном 91-летней годовщине Ленинградской области в Выборге...
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Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Oleg Mikhaylovich Malashchenko
Last position: Chairman (Committee on Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex of the Leningrad region)
 Anna Danilyuk
Last position: Chairman of the Committee of administration management and protocol (Government of the Leningrad region)
Sergei Tarasov
Main activity:Official
Andrey Aleksandrovich Nizovsky
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal entity Vsevolozhsk municipal district of the Leningrad region)