Vyborg Leningrad region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather highThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather high11/1/2023Boris YelkinThe city of Vyborg and the city of Pskov — is two historical cities of Russia, have rich cultural and spiritual potential, to us anyway to eat than exchange11/3/2023Boris YelkinThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather highThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather high11/1/2023Boris YelkinThe city of Vyborg and the city of Pskov — is two historical cities of Russia, have rich cultural and spiritual potential, to us anyway to eat than exchange11/3/2023Boris YelkinThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather highThe city of Vyborg and Pskov - two historical cities of Russia, have rich spiritual potential. To us anyway is, than to exchange and than to share with each other, prospects of our cooperation rather high11/1/2023Boris Yelkin12543Region News+114 last weekHead of municipality since 2017Dimitri Nikulin0Media Score250Rank positionHead of municipality since 2017Dimitri Nikulin731years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 12932:23:35 PMGMT+347RUS+781378Dialing code836Connections+229 last weekPopulation75 355NewsConnections Tree
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