Gatchina district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areasThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areas7/17/2023Mikhail PrisyazhnyukIt is better than others for creation of walking zones, nurseries and sports grounds, squares and parks worked in Gatchina and Luga areas. There it is opened on 14 updated territories which have every chance to become darlings at inhabitants11/13/2023Alexander DrozdenkoThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areasThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areas7/17/2023Mikhail PrisyazhnyukIt is better than others for creation of walking zones, nurseries and sports grounds, squares and parks worked in Gatchina and Luga areas. There it is opened on 14 updated territories which have every chance to become darlings at inhabitants11/13/2023Alexander DrozdenkoThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areasThanks to the special treasury credits carriers of the Leningrad region will buy 70 new modern buses of a big class for work on routes of Gatchina, Podporozhsky, Priozersk and Tosnensky areas7/17/2023Mikhail Prisyazhnyuk12266Region News+51 last weekHead of municipality since 2014Vitaly Filonenko0Media ScoreHead of municipality since 2014Vitaly Filonenko11:24:22 PMGMT+347RUS781371Dialing code365Connections+100 last weekPopulation238 034NewsConnections Tree
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