Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus supports purity and transparency in sports

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Alexander Lukashenko

on July 24, Minsk / Grishkevich Alina - BELTA/. Belarus supports purity and transparency in sports. It was declared by President of the Republic Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today during a meeting with the secretary general of the International federation of basketball (FIBA) Baumann Patrick Baumann, the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

the Head of state thanked for the provided Belarus opportunity to receive the basketball World Cup among girls till 17 years which takes place now in Minsk. The president assured that Belarus will well prove in the organization of this tournament, and hoped that to the country will entrust carrying out and other international basketball competitions.

"In return I can guarantee you full spectator interest to any event held within your association, and everything that is necessary for the championship, - Alexander Lukashenko emphasized. - I think, the head of the Belarusian federation of basketball told you about our opportunities, logistics which we have. Also be sure that if we will undertake something, we will make it at the highest level because government bodies, structures are always involved in it. And any action for any kind of sports is always an event of the state scale. This peculiar education of our youth, familiarizing of our society with a healthy lifestyle, sports. Therefore you can be quiet for the organization of any action which will be entrusted to us".

Alexander Lukashenko as the head of National Olympic Committee stated to

world sports." We for pure sports, we for full transparency and purity of activity of the international organizations, including International Olympic Committee. We are supporters of protection of athletes that athletes did not suffer, especially pure athletes", - President of the Republic Belarus declared.

It is sure by

", - the head of state told.

Alexander Lukashenko also declared

. It seems to me, it is structure it is not simply bureaucratical, it is sometimes irresponsible. I as the head of NOC am compelled it on the next action, I so plan, to inform to data of the international sports public".

the President is convinced by

the Secretary general of FIBA thanked the head of state for opportunity to meet and noted that for it it is double honor." I meet not only the President of the good country, but also the chairman of National Olympic Committee", - he told.

Baumann Patrick also expressed gratitude to the Belarusian party for the worthy organization of the World Cup for basketball among girls till 17 years which takes place in Minsk. According to him, competitions are held at very high level and it is already possible to call them successful.

the Head of federation supported a position of President of the Republic Belarus regarding developments sports as a whole." We have to protect pure sports and pure athletes, - he emphasized. - I am absolutely sure that our positions on development sports coincide for hundred percent".

B Minsk on July 21-29 there takes place the basketball World Cup among girls till 17 years. 16 strongest teams of the world participate in tournament. The national team Belarus acquired the right to act as the representative of the country organizer. On planetary superiority in Minsk FIBA for the first time presented a new cup which is exposed in Sports palace. The Belarusian federation of basketball together with domestic designers developed unique design of medals of the championship which includes elements of firm branding.

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