+1OfficialPoliticianAlexander Lukashenko Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at warDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at war12/15/2023Интернет-портал СНГI know, creation of production of dry construction mixes is planned for territories of your area on the basis of the Belarusian cement. I suggest these not to be limited and add concrete production12/18/2023360 ° Moscow areaToday on a front line our journalists, ideologists. They wage this information war. It is very important that did not allow development of this information war into hot warToday on a front line our journalists, ideologists. They wage this information war. It is very important that did not allow development of this information war into hot war12/15/2023Интернет-портал СНГDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at warDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at war12/15/2023Интернет-портал СНГI know, creation of production of dry construction mixes is planned for territories of your area on the basis of the Belarusian cement. I suggest these not to be limited and add concrete production12/18/2023360 ° Moscow areaToday on a front line our journalists, ideologists. They wage this information war. It is very important that did not allow development of this information war into hot warToday on a front line our journalists, ideologists. They wage this information war. It is very important that did not allow development of this information war into hot war12/15/2023Интернет-портал СНГDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at warDo not come off at all, do not leave because will throw. And at the disadvantaged who has got to a difficult situation, the people deadlock an exit one: gun will give - be at war12/15/2023Интернет-портал СНГ1232,618Related events+358 last weekPresident of Republic of BelarusPresident of the Republic Belarus0Media Score250Rank positionPresident of Republic of BelarusPresident of the Republic Belarus70years oldBornAugust 30, 1954Region of Vitebsk Married toGalina Lukashenko1,830Connections+567 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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