International Olympic Committee Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for allI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for all9/26/2022RT in RussianCertainly, I trust. Athletes — those people who trust till the end and do not lose hope. Everything is formed. Simply meanwhile so. And we have no right something to choose11/7/2023Gazeta.RuI in this situation can tell only for myself. I, certainly, would not go. Such decision — because of my relation to that occurs recently. And because of the relation to Russia from the IOCI in this situation can tell only for myself. I, certainly, would not go. Such decision — because of my relation to that occurs recently. And because of the relation to Russia from the IOC9/15/2023Gazeta.RuI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for allI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for all9/26/2022RT in RussianCertainly, I trust. Athletes — those people who trust till the end and do not lose hope. Everything is formed. Simply meanwhile so. And we have no right something to choose11/7/2023Gazeta.RuI in this situation can tell only for myself. I, certainly, would not go. Such decision — because of my relation to that occurs recently. And because of the relation to Russia from the IOCI in this situation can tell only for myself. I, certainly, would not go. Such decision — because of my relation to that occurs recently. And because of the relation to Russia from the IOC9/15/2023Gazeta.RuI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for allI think that world sports will lose the greatness because the Russian and Belarusian athletes will not participate in competitions. Because world sports — are sports for all9/26/2022RT in Russian123764Company-related news+231 last week0Media Score250Rank position1,332Connections+501 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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