Minsport's board defined priority sports for 2018

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on January 20, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The board of the Ministry of sports and tourism defined priority sports for 2018, told to the correspondent Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in the press service of sports department.

Meeting took place

took part in action.

Opening meeting, the minister of sports and tourism Alexander Shamko reminded that the task to optimize the expenses connected with support of sports, was defined earlier. The ministry carried out a certain work that to execute it. So, after end of 2016 Summer Olympics years Minsport defined group of priority sports, the most part of financings went for development which from republican budgets.

In May of last year President of the Republic Belarus, the President of National Olympic Committee Alexander Lukashenko, speaking at the Olympic meeting. It sounded one of the main objectives on development sports branch - to define perspective, potentially medal, traditional for Belarus sports and to them to give the main support.


As were emphasized by Alexander Shamko ", there was a need to exchange opinions that then to systematize and approve criteria of inclusion of sports in the list priority and to build system them developments over all country". According to the minister, it will allow to concentrate financial resources for the organization of preparation and successful speech of the Belarusian athletes at the Olympic, Paralympic, Deflimpiysky, European Games, the World Cups and Europe.


the main report at meeting of board was made by the deputy minister of sports and tourism Baraulya Alexander. It reminded that 71,5% of the financial funds allocated by Minsport for ensuring preparation and participation of the Belarusian athletes in the international sporting events were allocated for development priority sports in 2014-2017.

the Main thing - material support, scientific and methodical and medical maintenance." This practice showed the efficiency. Such ratio of distribution of financings will be kept and in the next years with possible increase", - Baraulya Alexander noted.

the list of 22 priority sports included basketball, biathlon, boxing, fight free, fight Greek-Roman, bicycle sports, volleyball, handball, gymnastics art, canoe racing, judo, track and field athletics, swimming, trampolining, invasport, firing bullet, modern pentathlon, tennis, weightlifting, freestyle, soccer, ice hockey.

some representatives of regions had questions on those sports which did not get yet to the list. Minsport's guide explained that at the end of every year the list will be corrected (depending on the shown results).


As were emphasized by Alexander Shamko, no opening to get to the list by way of exception, will exist, the main criterion - result.


At the same time regional executive committees and Minsk city executive committee it is recommended to

priority sports taking into account the list, and also those types by which national teams are formed." In each separate case it is necessary to consider existence of material base, traditions and personnel potential in sports", - Alexander Shamko noted.

the Head of sports branch also paid special attention to importance of support and developments sports which are included in the program II of the European games of 2019.