In Africa there were vampires: inhabitants Malawi are frightened of night attacks

@Juzhnyj federal'nyj
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In Africa there were vampires: inhabitants of Malawi are frightened of night attacks

Mass hysteria flashed in the African country Malawi. Inhabitants report about attacks "midnight vampires" who suck at them blood.

In the country there was a panic, some tens people declared attack. With groups of vigilantes it is killed already seven people suspected of vampirism. Staff of United Nations and volunteers of the Case of the World of United States of America left the country in September of this year when the problem reached peak. Now employees of United Nations decided to return back.

according to locals, all this not hearings and not hysteria, and the real facts. the 40-year-old inhabitant of the village Ngolongoliva in the south of Dzhamiya Bauleni's country tells that became one of victims. At night something entered her house others and started sucking its blood. The woman got to hospital and was compelled to pass treatment.

"It not hearings, it sucked my blood, I know it. I lay on a bed at night and suddenly was issued in a corner under a roof. I could not move a hand and not a foot. And then something strongly pierced my hand, and I felt pain", - the woman speaks.

the Quantity of similar cases increases. In this district the belief in sorcery, vampires and black magic prospers, People seek to revenge those who attacked them. Hearings about vampires disturb work of service of blood transfusion and are reflected in tourist branch of the country. To Malawi 250 people are arrested for attacks and attempts of mob killings. Even more than 40 people are detained in next Mozambique, from where, on hearings, and vampires came. In connection with current situation, the president Malawi Arthur Peter Mutarika made the statement:

"Tam is not present proofs of attack of vampires. But these false hearings destabilize the area. Those who spreads such rumors to face our laws".

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