Businessmen Ukraine: "The government kills us!"

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the Review Ukrainian regional pressy

Everything rises in price — such conclusion was made by the Ukrainian regional press during a week from February 9 to February 15.

life Cost in Ukraine promptly grows, states "Galichina" (Ivano-Frankivsk). Did not manage to feel still the majority of fellow citizens effect from the promised increase of minimum wage and compensation for physicians and teachers as them already "pleased" with the next increases of tariffs and the prices. The first lifted fare in suburban and long-distance transport carriers, behind them producers of bread declared rise in prices, sellers of gasoline raised fuel prices, and food, state price control on which government as experiment cancelled last year, continue the creeping approach to purses of Ukrainians. However, now it is necessary to prepare for the next round of a rise in price. Since March 1 tariffs for the electric power will be raised, to those Ukrainians who consume to 100 kW/hour a month a tariff will raise from present 71,4 kopeks for kilowatt/hour to 90 kopeks. The same, and this majority of consumers who consumes more, each following kilowatt will cost 168 kopeks. This year considerably the prices also can grow on and so expensive gas — the price will make 9600 hryvnias for one thousand cubic meter instead of present 6879. The rise in price of gas will automatically mean increase of tariffs for heat and hot water supply. The prices will grow by 10−15 hryvnias for a vodka bottle. The excise on beer will increase by 2,78 hryvnias for liter. Since January 1, 2017 the excise on tobacco products will increase by 40%. Whether the increase of salaries promised by the government — still a big question will rescue a situation. And the annoying that as a whole this situation reminds prompt dive, than advance or development more likely. And about "light at the end of a tunnel" while anybody does not stammer at all.

Some hundred businessmen of Chernigov and area came on February 15 for protest action "Us got! ", transfers "S_vershchina" (Chernigov). Local businessmen noted that innovations which were accepted in 2017 by the government and The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, destroy real sector of economy, namely — regions. Representatives of areas oppose payment of taxes on not earned income, "draconian" penalties for legislation violation on compensation and a payment for accession to power supply networks. As one of organizers of protest action the deputy of the Chernigov city council, the member of OO "Shine of Severshchina" Berezinets Irina told businessmen joined an action from different regions of area — Grodno, Novgorod-Seversk, Semenovsky. Businessmen support reduction of tariffs. "I on myself already felt as two days ago to me brought the payment order for heating of 100 sq.m. of office room. For last month I paid 6500 hryvnias, for January to me brought 9300 hryvnias. The patience already simply burst" — Berezinets Irina speaks. In case the mighty of this world does not hear the Chernigov businessmen, representatives of business promise on February 23 to gather on All-Ukrainian conference businessmen held a meeting against "terrible policy" The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, report of "Vech_rn_ Cherkasi" (Cherkasy). On February 15 on the Cathedral square of Cherkass businessmen and pensioners came for meeting against a number of the laws which have come into force since January 1. "Survival of Ukrainians under the threat. If we do not protect ourselves, nobody will make it. The authorities turned away from us" — landowners, farmers and pensioners spoke during meeting. As organizers of meeting noted, every day the government issues resolutions, orders, the orders contradicting the Constitution Ukraine. Instead of fight against corruption conditions for enrichment of officials, establishment of monopolies, privatizations of the state and industry and agriculture destruction are created. Protest action had precautionary character.

Inhabitants of Sumshchina do not want to give for nothing, informs "Panorama" (Sumy). Indignant of purchase prices of inhabitants of Ramensky district block milk tankers and refuse to give . Complaints reached even the regional center. Unfortunately, milk plants did not react to arrangements of the authorities to raise the prices. As the head of the Romensky district state administration Bilokha Valery reported, for the last week purchase price of from five hryvnias decreased to four. In this regard inhabitants of villages of Yaroshovk and New Rowing refused to hand over . To them it seems promised that the price will raise, but it did not occur and today. And already the area North — inhabitants Repchanskoy and Roginskoy of the village councils, in total about 100 people — blocked vehicles of collectors. If in some villages the decision simply not to hand over was made, in other village councils people decided not to start up at all molokosborshchik on the territory of settlements.

Because of the African plague people are compelled to cut out pigs, but all will get the state compensation not, the truth" (Kirovohrad) warns "K_rovogradsk. AChS does the increasing harm. Now quarantine should be entered in two areas — Kirovograd and New Ukrainian. There people are compelled to destroy a cattle livestock completely. It is more than pigs — nearly two thousand heads — utilized a farm in the village Equal the New Ukrainian area. "Tell, my three sows which oporosilis in a month and everyone would give ten pigs had the right for life, and my income would make 15 000 hryvnias? — in despair Kochubey Helena from Gruzskoye's village of the Kirovograd area asks officials. — I cut out them because in the village declared the African plague of pigs. Nobody speaks, what state compensation for the lost cattle! On what now to buy me grains and to bring up other pigs? ! I suggested veterinary service to make examination if my pigs were healthy, let the state would return them to me. But anybody and does not want to listen. People perish from a hard work, and someone on it profits. What will be if I refuse to slaughter pigs and I will process meat because I have four children and the disabled husband? My family needs to eat something! ".

Into Zaporizhia Oblast want to enter extraordinary power situation, tells "New day" (Zaporizhia). The Minister of Fuel and Energy Nasalik Igor claims that in the current mode of resources will suffice for two weeks therefore it is necessary to pass to rigid economy. The minister, apparently, understands rolling blackouts which practiced in the 1990th years as such economy. Officials assure that available stocks of coal will suffice a maximum for 45 days, and new deliveries are impossible because of railroad blockade by volunteers on Donets Basin. Nasalik Igor considers that it is necessary to revise the schedule of work of the industrial enterprises and to begin rolling blackouts at o'clock of peak loadings in seven areas Ukraine — Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Chernigov, Zaporozhye, Sumy and Cherkassk. There it is already entrusted to develop staffs and to look for options how to live in a mode of an emergency situation.

Hardly the state established to p new level of minimum wage as up the prices of everything including on the drive in long-distance public transport, tells "Novy day" (Kherson) everywhere spread. In this segment passazhiroperevozok the government released the cost of tickets in free swimming and for the last two years did not regulate. "Our enterprise increased payment for journey in the middle of January of the current year — the director of JSC Kalanchakskoye ATP-16 549 Khomutovskaya Natalia reported. — But even in such look it only came nearer to rival firm price level. So for people it occurred imperceptibly". And how affairs at those who did not venture yet are to raise the price of journey? This question was answered by the director of Bravo-lyuks private enterprise Poyarkov Boris (Skadovsk). "We keep as we can — he told — it is clear that sooner or later it will be necessary to increase payment. But we while wait: suddenly something will be adjusted? Unambiguously, to us it is heavy, after all the passenger traffic sharply fell. But if in the next month there is nothing extraordinary (for example, fuel promptly will not rise in price), yet will not lift". Interesting fact: in interview to the Ukrainian TV channels the vice-prime minister Rozenko Pawel called "geeks" of those carriers, "which will want to be sewed on a raising of a minimum wage and to earn to itself excess deal". Interestingly, proceeding from what reasons the Deputy Prime Minister drew such conclusions? After all it is obvious: transport enterprises can not raise fare unless in case of evasion from payment of the uniform social contribution which has increased twice or at the accurate organization of control of issue of tickets for journey in public transport. Or if pay to drivers a former minimalka in an envelope.

the peasants Driven to despair call p on a visit Petro Poroshenko, reports "Ekspres" (Ternopol). The bad road to the village Kotuzov and remoteness from the district turn it into the world's end. Works are not present, there was one shop, and that close — is unprofitable. In Kotuzov there live slightly more than 300 people. Empty much houses — people left or to the cities or abroad on earnings. "You were lucky that now the winter — laughs the head Shilov Yvan Pastushanchin. — In the fall or in the spring to us it is very difficult to go. Only on the first transfer it is possible. The road is very broken. Annually promise to repair, but still did not find on it means". From screens of TVs people daily hear that just about the country will start life afresh, about tens reforms, increase of salaries, million budgets and decentralization. And in practice — survive thanks to a cow, pigs, the cities and relatives from abroad. "From our village all youth left — the head complains. — It is good that else there are subsidies. And that some people in general would not survive in the winter — would starve, as in the 1933rd. Where to take this money? That we grow up, should be sold for nothing. And the prices of plowing, fertilizers, seeds each time grow". In Kotuzov all problems of our state on the special are sharply felt. Fast on such road will be able to reach here all for hour. The paramedic comes only twice a week from the neighboring village therefore does not manage to help everyone. But the biggest trouble — a huge abyss between purchase prices of production and market. "How to survive if the road to Kotuzov is twice more expensive, and , meat and potatoes buy up at the same price, as last year? — peasants complain. — Though in the market these products sell several times more expensively". Without having sustained this injustice, kotuzovchanin Nasalik Igor Boykivsky wrote the petition to the president. He urged the guarantor to pay attention to low purchase prices to pork and beef. "Why from us buy pork meat on 25, and sell it in the market for 100 why such depreciation of work of peasants, is not present points of reception of meat. Why purchasers establish the low prices and earn 100 percent on meat? But peasants make many efforts to grow up a pig or a cow, and receive for it scanty earnings. The same concerns , vegetables and fruit" — is spoken in the petition.

In the center Kharkiv about two tens people in quilted jackets and with balalaikas poured red paint over a facade of office of Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" — thus the civil Azov case made a protest against presence in Ukraine banks with the Russian capital, informs "Evening Kharkov" (Kharkiv). The leader of the case Shiryaev Oleg reported that it was the action in support of similar protests which swept on all to Ukraine near offices of the Russian banks. "Today the share of the Russian capital among banks of the non Ukrainian origin makes more than 40%. And about 15% — are a share of the Russian banks in Ukraine, and the largest of them — with the state form of ownership. That is in the Ukrainian bank sphere banks which cope directly the country aggressor work. Any attempts of politicians to explain that these banks are independent of the management to Russian Federation, critics do not maintain — they came with the Russian state capital and remain with it here. The Russian banks — it is a vicious circle of service of the Russian business in Ukraine. Double standards should not be: if we recognized Russian Federation as an aggressor, it is necessary to expel from Ukraine the Russian business — he speaks. — We perfectly understand that people who work in this office, at anything. But we also did not frighten people. The peace action was held in the form of performance. We made the card Ukraine of white polyfoam, put it and poured the red paint symbolizing blood. And people who did it, were dressed in quilted jackets and with balalaikas — a symbol of the Russian rebels. Also sealed up windows propaganda. On posters the Kremlin — with dollar instead of a star was drawn, and is written that it is country aggressor banks". By words Shiryaev Oleg, militiamen about holding an action were warned in advance: "Met beforehand representatives of National police and said that similar actions take place in Kiev) investigates p as Ukraine accepts Russians who supported her. To call all Russians who are now in Ukraine for political reasons, diaspora, would be exaggeration. It is only some hundred people the majority from which know each other personally. Among them civil activists, oppositional journalists, volunteers and former fighters of voluntary battalions. Despite a difference of destinies, a common problem at all these people one — legalization of the stay in the country and return to normal life. Someone is lucky more: there are bases for receiving residence permit or nationality by origin. But essential part of Russian political emigrants live in Ukraine in uncertain legal status. The cause is disloyalty of the state in a question of granting a shelter. Statistically, for the first half a year 2016 with such request 55 Russian citizens addressed. The status of the refugee was provided to only five. The others live and work at illegal status. Without the status it is impossible to get a job legally, even to get a card in bank. In the most difficult situation there are those who was at war in voluntary battalions. As long time the question of participation of foreigners in "ATO" was not settled in any way legislatively, foreign volunteers actually were at war illegally, and now cannot neither legalize the stay in the country, nor receive the status of the participant of operations. Many of them, native lands including Russian Federation, put on the international wanted list through International Criminal Police Organization and demand from Kiev to give out of. There is a paradoxical situation: the Ukrainian authorities on demand from the country aggressor have to extradite those who shed blood for independence Ukraine. According to the member of the working group on ex-traditional affairs Kasyan Olga, Ukraine can give out about 200 participating foreigners of "ATO", the majority of them — by the Russian inquiries.

Dilemma of the Krymskotatarsky autonomy: right of indigenous people or etnokratiya? About it in a material of a portal of "" (Lviv). In September 2016 The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recommended to the president to create the Krymskotatarsky autonomous republic. These recommendations approved by results of hearings on reintegration Republic of Crimea, Petro Poroshenko supports also though to embody them it will be quite difficult — changes in the Constitution Ukraine for this purpose will be necessary. The Crimean Tatars, long since defend idea of a national autonomy, see in a political situation opportunity to achieve the long dream. And how ethnic Russians and Ukrainians who together make more than 80% of the population will react to it? The former member of Majlis Sinaver Kadyrov insists: restoration of the rights of the krymskotatarsky people has to be full, "differently we will use the best efforts that Ukraine did not recognize as the democratic state". The former minister of tourism Liev Alexander emphasizes Republic of Crimea there is no territory, except for several small settlements on which the Crimean Tatars make the majority of the population. In his opinion, the idea of appointment of the power on a national sign is an anachronism. Liev Alexander considers that the idea of a krymskotatarsky autonomy will not promote return Republic of Crimea in the Ukrainian jurisdiction. It will relieve Ukraine of considerable part of supporters among inhabitants of the peninsula, "even that population which was adjusted neutrally or positively".

the Portal of "Wolin" (Lutsk) conducted survey among Ukrainians as they apprehended the statement of head ruling in Poland Party "Pravo i Spravedlivost" Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky that Ukrainians surpassed Germans in cruelty, and "that with Bandera Stepan they will not enter Europe regional Employment center, chairman of the regional organization "Block Petra Poroshenko "Solidarnost" (Lutsk) : "I consider that in each nation there are ambiguous historical figures which someone considered as heroes, and someone — traitors. Bandera Stepan undoubtedly was idea, was the fighter for freedom and national identity. However passed many years and not to us to judge those who lived during war when Ukrainians forced to be at war against each other as a part of various armies. I consider, it is necessary to look for reconciliation and mutual understanding ways, and to leave history to historians. We will not change the past, but in our hands the future".

Kordunova Sima, writer (Polonk's village of the Lutsk area) : "We are not able to beat off when us attack. Tsaruk Jaroslaw did grandiose work to shine Volhynia, and these to us should be protected. Poles together with Germans reduced my village to ashes. Who was found by houses, that was killed. And if to give statistics, the Polish family then was lost one! From Banderovites in a paid action. Certainly, I do not justify it, but people did not maintain such mockery. Unfortunately, the chauvinistic vein deeply sits in our neighbors. Statements of a present Polish top sound, as deeply nursed grievance that Western Ukraine — not their territory. Here and all reason".

Guz Igor, People's Deputy Ukraine (Lutsk) : "I perceive the statement of the leading politician of the neighboring country it is absolutely critical. I consider that we, Ukrainians, will deal with our heroes, and it is not necessary to teach us. Especially as at legislative level The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized OUN-UPA (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) by fighters for independence. Therefore I regard statements Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky as not absolutely friendly step in relation to Ukraine".

Kuts Victor, lawyer (Bereznoye of the Rovno area) : "Really Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky forgot where also who killed his brother and all Polish leading elite? In a present situation it accompanies our enemy — Russian Federation. Therefore I consider this statement as big disrespect for Ukraine and our history. It seemed, already about everything agreed with Poles: we have heroes, at them — the. We do not remind of their crimes against the peace Ukrainian population. It in the past, let's think of the future".

Heinrich Koshtelny, the chairman of the Polish society of journalists of a name of Józef Ignation Krashevsky in Ukraine (Lutsk) : "The president Poland Andrzej Duda too treats party Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky. And I say that they do not know history Bandera Stepan. Who is such, for what fought, and so on. It was necessary to distribute information on this figure, his biography in Poland and in Poland, but also to Germany, France. Otherwise the whole world will think that Bandera Stepan — the bandit who killed people".

Shiba Bogdan, head of the state enterprise "Volynstandartmetrologiya", former mayor Lutsk (Lutsk) : "This manifestation of an obvious imperial policy Poland because Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky represents ruling party, it not a position of any certain citizen. Everything is very similar to constant statements of the Russian authorities even before war. Ukraine has to understand that in the international relations there are no brothers, and there are pragmatic agreements in which each party has to respect another. If Poland ceases to respect national interests Ukraine, it means that we badly defend them. Without any doubts after the statement Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky have to be a note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its performance has to be regarded as intervention in internal affairs Ukraine".

Alla Opeyda, honored actress Ukraine (Lutsk) : "Such statements offend all Ukrainians, and especially expelled from the earth. It is the hidden hatred to Ukraine through which someone wants to excite new scandal. Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky has to as diplomat, to conduct the parties to reconciliation instead of to do in all guilty the next neighbor".

Onufriychuk Nicholas Kucherpa, candidate of historical sciences (Lutsk) : "I thought: and with Pilsudskim-terroristom as Poles entered Europe? We can test that Pilsudsky — the terrorist, and how many Ukrainians were lost as a result of a patsifikation. The statement Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky — deep intervention in internal affairs Ukraine. It is the wrong approach, not level of the statesman. Poles suffered from the Ukrainian insurgents, but unitary enterprise (the organization which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) in the mid-fifties fought against the Soviet mode which was and in Poland. So, it turns out, what Poles — against unitary enterprise (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) and for the Soviet mode? There are no logicians".

Kushniruk Rostislav, honored worker of culture Ukraine, founder of an amateur choral chapel of "Posvit" (Knyagininok of the Lutsk area) : "Poles destroyed and betrayed us hundreds years, but this business of historians. I can speak about of what it was convinced personally. In 1943 in our village there was a fight, and Poles attacked with support of Germans. When was as they call, "slaughter", unitary enterprise management (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) in London suggested to stop it, but Poles told that will fight to the last. I and now do not trust when Poland is called the lawyer by Ukraine in Europe. Now they made active radicals who destroy the Ukrainian graves which without Lviv do not think of Poland. In the chauvinism they are similar to Russians".

Volynsky Vladimir Blazhenchuk, former chairman Volynsky Vladimir regional council and regional executive committee (Lutsk) : "Let's not press in geopolitics but if to speak about cruelty, would recommend to all to look at "World War II diary" which show on one of the Ukrainian channels. I have own example of cruelty of Poles in a case with my family. We remember, the Volynsk villages are burned. Therefore let's not escalate again a situation. The elite of the Polish officers in Katyn and Kharkiv in the 1940th was shot not by Banderovites. And the plane with the Polish top in April of the 2010th was "put" not by them".

Onufriychuk Nicholas, chairman of the regional society "Holmshchina", writer, journalist, regional specialist (Lutsk) : "I perceive this statement indignantly. Bandera Stepan and his colleagues from OUN (b) (the organization, which activity is forbidden to Russian Federation) on the ethnic earth fought for the Ukrainian independent cathedral state. For it they passed through a hell of the Polish prisons during the intermilitary period and nazi concentration camps during World War II, gave the life. Not the Ukrainian nationalists decided suit the conflict between our people and made the Volynsk tragedy in July, 1943. These events were the answer to mass destruction of orthodox churches on the West Ukrainian lands in 1930, burning of hundreds Ukrainian villages, destruction of tens of thousands of people of the peace Ukrainian population in 1941 — 1947 in Holmshchina, Podlyashye, Lemkovshchina, Nadsyanye, Volhynia and East Galichina. Violation soldiers of Army Craiova rendered, the Polish paramilitary groups which now nationalists on that party of Bug consider as heroes Poland. So, not to Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky to define whom us to consider as heroes Ukraine, and not to him to solve with whom us to go to Europe".

Tsaruk Jaroslaw, regional specialist, author of numerous books and publications, honourable citizen of Volhynia (Volynsky Vladimir) : "I am very indignant of such statement. But to that went. Since 1992 Poles started going across Volhynia and to put monuments and crosses at roads in our villages, to write on them false information. We were silent. I went to the rural heads and asked why allow to do it? For example, in the village the Willow established a cross with an inscription, 161 Poles, and about Ukrainians — words there were lost. Though actually figures such: 4 lost Poles and 66 Ukrainians. Even Semashko's Polish historians about whom there are many questions concerning truthfulness, bring 9 lost Poles in Yves. And such distortions, lie on monuments in our villages it is a lot of! I tell it with responsibility because in 25 years visited districts and collected enough certificates. But Poles will come to us on July 11 and to tell, what Ukrainians bandits. They say that it is necessary to find mutual understanding on the basis of the truth. Where here it? Poles muddle, and ours are silent as if do not know, how many Ukrainians suffered much from them. It is simply dishonest from neighbors".

Stremidlovsky Stanislas