Kirovohrad Country: UkraineViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATOWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATO3/5/2018Gennady MoskalObligatory evacuation from Donetchina began. The first train arrived this morning to Kropivnitsky. Women, children, old men, there are a lot of handicapped. All met and settled, to all helped8/2/2022Irina VereshchukWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATOWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATO3/5/2018Gennady MoskalObligatory evacuation from Donetchina began. The first train arrived this morning to Kropivnitsky. Women, children, old men, there are a lot of handicapped. All met and settled, to all helped8/2/2022Irina VereshchukWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATOWith regret has to note that among the detained criminals, inhabitants of Cherkass and Kropivnitsky who set fire to office "Society of the Hungarian culture of Zakarpatye" on the night of February 27, there are also participants of ATO3/5/2018Gennady Moskal1216Region News+4 last weekMedia Score: Low270years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1754380 522Dialing code128Connections+43 last weekPopulation232 052NewsConnections Tree
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