Ivano-Frankivsk Country: UkraineViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not presentTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not present8/9/2022Vladimir RogovQuickly [Kiev] 100 thousand more people should gather De facto collecting goes, de jure this mobilization is not present. Though if we will pay attention, across Ivano-Frankovsk, across Kiev, on other regional centers collecting already almost mass] bega6/26/2023Vladimir RogovTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not presentTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not present8/9/2022Vladimir RogovQuickly [Kiev] 100 thousand more people should gather De facto collecting goes, de jure this mobilization is not present. Though if we will pay attention, across Ivano-Frankovsk, across Kiev, on other regional centers collecting already almost mass] bega6/26/2023Vladimir RogovTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not presentTonight terrorists UGILA (Ukrainian state of Ivano-Frankovsk and Lviv, informal name of Ukraine. — Editions) subjected to massive attack peace Tokmak. Fortunately, victims among the population are not present8/9/2022Vladimir Rogov1254Region News+18 last week0Media Score362years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 1662+380 342Dialing code265Connections+83 last weekPopulation229 447NewsConnections Tree
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