The number publishing municipal NPA on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" doubled
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06-04-2016 13:30

For time which has passed since spring of last year, number of the municipalities which have chosen a site of information Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" as an official platform for placement of the municipal normative legal acts, grew twice. The decision on the publication NPA on our portal today made already 43 MO.


So serious growth of popularity Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" among municipals who under the law are obliged to publish the normative legal acts in mass media, is explained by several reasons.

First of all, reason of economy of local budgets . After all, to solve problems on places, money, and sometimes considerable is necessary. Problems do not become less. And publication NPA cost on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" many times below, than in newspaper editions. Publication of official documents on the Internet portal allows to avoid many costs (the cost of paper, typographical expenses, etc.). Than to overpay, it is better on the means saved in the municipal budget to repair an excess athletic field or a roof. Inhabitants will notice it and will estimate.

The second reason – in convenience of a network resource as for employees of administrations, deputies, and for citizens. The Internet – the tool, which always near at hand. Information without which it is impossible to solve any question, is available at any time. Studying the normative legal acts published in a network, it is possible to keep at itself in the computer the necessary decision or the resolution. Cutting from the newspaper can get lost or tear over time, and the document in the form of the file, kept in original state, it is possible to find by means of couple of clicks. Literally for some seconds it is possible to find out whom and when this or that normative legal act was adopted and published, to specify other necessary details. It should be noted and that texts on the Internet page look legibly, unlike many newspaper publications limited to a framework of the area.

At last, one more reason for which municipals choose Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" – efficiency of the publication NPA. The legal acts sent to edition, are published on a site on the same day while in the newspaper it is necessary to order in advance a place under them and to be arranged under the schedule of a release of the edition. If the rayonka leaves once a week, it is necessary to wait for publication of municipal NPA sometimes some days.

Let's remind that the publication of official decisions and resolutions of administrations of municipalities or Councils of deputies is one of the major conditions in order that documents entered validity.


Here is how heads of the municipalities which have made the decision to publish the municipal legal acts on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform", reason the decision:

Lagutenkov Mikhail, head of the Otradnoye city settlement Kirovsky rayon: – The administration of Otradnoye suggested to publish our normative legal acts on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" to us. Explained why it is really necessary for us. However, at deputies and questions did not arise. It is obvious that it is cheaper, than in many print media. It is even more important that to publish documents on a site it is possible very quickly, at once after their acceptance. That is, here and now. On Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" all our deputies supported the decision on the publication NPA unanimously".

Tarshev Nicholas, head of the Kotelsky rural settlement Kingisepp district: – deputies had no doubts to vote pro. We proceeded from economy reasons: it becomes unprofitable to be printed today in newspapers. The role is played also by the speed of a release of normative legal acts to the public. Besides, the publication NPA on the Internet will promote distribution of information on our settlement not only in the territory of our area, but also on all area.

Khokhlova Larissa, the expert ensuring functioning of Council of deputies of the Krasnoborsky city settlement Tosno district: – First of all we were interested by cost. As the publication NPA in the local newspaper rose in price many times, this offer became timely and useful. Besides NPA placement on the Internet is widely adopted over time. These arguments became key for adoption of the positive decision at meeting of Council of deputies for which people's deputies voted unanimously. Now NPA will be published at once in two editions – in the local newspaper and on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform". The charter, decisions of the commissions will take place in electronic option, and other documents – in printing.

Vasilyeva Natalia, head of administration of the Issadsky rural settlement Volkhov district: – the Offer to publish normative legal acts arrived to us from edition Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" last year. But then deputies did not see in it need. And this year the Council of deputies recognized that NPA placement on a site has a set of pluses, and voted pro. First, NPA can be placed now quickly enough therefore it quickly comes into force. In some cases it is very important. Secondly, to place NPA on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" is cheaper, than in other mass media.

Sherenkov Petr, head of the Old Polish rural settlement Slantsy district: – the offer to use Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" as an online platform for the publication NPA was made by our administration. The main argument were quotations on the publication of legal acts which are much lower, than offer print media. In turn, and people's deputies voted pro. Arguments: first – cost, secondly – quality.

Voloshin Eugenie, deputy of the Ust-Luzhsky rural settlement Kingisepp district: – the Official resource of placement of information at us show the regional newspaper "Vostochny Bereg". Recently we were going to place there the next normative legal act of the settlement, but for it there was no place on newspaper strips. Therefore we chose Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform", as a spare platform.

Fedorova Nelya, head of the Fornosovsky city settlement Tosno district: – Information on opportunity to publish legal acts on the website we learned b on SovetMunitsObrazovLenObl. Then we examined opportunities and learned quotations. It appeared that it is much more convenient and is almost ten times cheaper, than in printing mass media. For our budget it is very considerable.

Ryabov Sergei, head of the Nezhnovsky rural settlement Kingisepp district: – For us the most important is the price. In the regional newspaper completely to publish the settlement Charter – too big loading for our budget. For us – the cheaper, the more favourably. I want to note that the elderly population reads local newspapers more. Therefore as option, we left possibility of the publication NPA in one of regional mass media – we will place some legal acts there, and we will spread all other standard and legal documentation on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform".

Nikolaeva Anna, head of the Kuzmolovsky city settlement Vsevolozhsk district: – All arguments of pros and cons" were stated to b at first at meeting of the commission on information technologies, and then – on the expanded commission, then the offer was submitted for vote at the next meeting of Council of deputies. As arguments pro there were a speed, profitability, convenience. Time of publication of NPA on a site, unlike the newspaper, will be reduced now many times.

Rubina Ludmila, head of the Gankovsky rural settlement Tikhvin district: – We discussed this decision but anybody had no remarks or objections on Council of deputies. voted pro 100% of deputies. All understand that it is necessary to keep up to date. And the publication on the Internet does our normative legal acts even more well for the population, and our legislative activity of even more transparent.

Makeev Dimitri, head of the Verevsky rural settlement Gatchina district: – Publishing NPA on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform", we save budgetary funds. When the question was submitted for discussion of Council of deputies, there were doubts concerning availability to the population of such innovation. However people's deputies weighed all pros and cons". . . . . . . The majority supported adoption of this decision.

Pyankova Irina, head of the Petrovsky rural settlement Priozersk district: – Not one meeting was required by b to our deputies to decide on the decision. The question as the publication NPA in Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" will be reflected in the budget was key, for the rest doubts were not. We pass to modern methods of illumination of information. On the Internet it is easy to work with NPA, it is easy to use them is a convenience and comfort. And at the same time it is possible to study and legal acts of other settlements which also place them on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform".

Patsuk Vladimir, head of the Melegezhsky rural settlement Tikhvin district: – deputies had no doubts for decision-making to publish on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" NPA. The price which is much lower in comparison with the newspaper was the main argument pro. Besides, to the newspaper subscribers have access only, and on the Internet anyone can examine NPA. Thus in a local press information will appear still.

Nikolay Karas, head of administration of the Tsvylevsky rural settlement Tikhvin district: – the Main thing that suits us on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" is a suitable price, is cheaper, than in the newspaper. Moreover, having studied the maintenance of a site, having seen, how widely life Leningrad region here is presented, I understood that our cooperation only will not be limited to the publication of documents. It is important to us to inform about everything that there is in the Tsvylevsky settlement, to inhabitants of all region, and Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" for this purpose an ideal place.

Kuznetsova Galina, head of administration of the Mountain rural settlement Tikhvin district: – We attentively studied quotations and saw that conditions quite suit us. But at the same time and we are not going to refuse the local newspaper, there we will place announcements, and on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" – volume normative legal acts, such as the settlement charter, the regulations, the budget, various provisions.

Afonin Andrey, head of administration of the Vazhinsky city settlement of Podporozhye district: – we did not refuse the newspaper, and simply took out on Council of deputies a question of adding in the mass media official list with which we cooperate, also Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" where us arranges both the price, and convenience. Electronic editions all become more popular, we would not like to miss such opportunity.

Ozherelyev Vladimir, head of administration of the Berezhkovsky rural settlement Volkhov district: – Agrumenta are obvious – the acceptable price, availability of a resource, and that is important, convenience of work with electronic versions of official papers. Such documents always near at hand, them at any time it is possible to get from the Internet and to work with them, it is not necessary to touch pages of the paper newspaper.



The order of publication of municipal legal acts is fixed in MO charter therefore in certain cases transition to the publication NPA in the network edition demands modification of the charter. It is necessary if the list of mass media for official publication of MPA is put directly in the charter. If the charter allows Council of deputies or to the head of administration of MO most to define mass media for publication of municipal legal acts, it is not necessary to make amendments to the charter, there is enough only the decision of Council or the head of administration on inclusion network mass media in the list of that MPAS of this municipality publish.

We pay your attention that, bringing data about network mass media in the decision of Council or MO charter, it is obligatory to specify correctly its full name – "Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" (LENOBLINFORM)", and also his founders: SovetMunitsObrazovLenObl, LLC "News agency "Oblastnye Vesti".

In more detail how on the lawful bases to include Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" in number of the mass media defined for the publication of municipal legal acts, it is possible to read on www. Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform", in the section "Normative legal acts". In the same place originals of explanatory documents of regional government of Roskomnadzor and Prosecutor's office of Leningrad region about legality of placement of municipal NPA on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" are placed.

To learn more detailed information and directly it is possible to sign the contract for official publication of municipal NPA on Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform", having contacted the director general "Leningrad regional information company "Lenoblinform" "LENOBLINFORM" Shlykova Margaret by phone: (812) 408-02-28, or by e-mail .

By Day of local government Leningrad region - to read all materials of a heading


Kozlov Mikhail