Volkhov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritageTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritage1/18/2021Vladimir TsoiIn 2023 the area already constructed 7 gardens and schools on 2300 places, on September 1 we open for children two new schools in Kudrovo and Murino, 5 schools - after renovation and overhaul in Volosovsky, Volkhov and Kirishi areas8/11/2023Alexander DrozdenkoMore than 50 mothers from the Volkhov area took part in the project and got advice of doctors, could make necessary researchesMore than 50 mothers from the Volkhov area took part in the project and got advice of doctors, could make necessary researches10/23/2022Aleksey BritsunTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritageTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritage1/18/2021Vladimir TsoiIn 2023 the area already constructed 7 gardens and schools on 2300 places, on September 1 we open for children two new schools in Kudrovo and Murino, 5 schools - after renovation and overhaul in Volosovsky, Volkhov and Kirishi areas8/11/2023Alexander DrozdenkoMore than 50 mothers from the Volkhov area took part in the project and got advice of doctors, could make necessary researchesMore than 50 mothers from the Volkhov area took part in the project and got advice of doctors, could make necessary researches10/23/2022Aleksey BritsunTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritageTogether with Rosimushchestvo, representatives of administrations of the Volkhov and Kirov areas we have to systematize approaches to preservation of this object of a cultural heritage1/18/2021Vladimir Tsoi123100Region News+13 last week since 2023Aleksey BritsunMedia Score: Low since 2023Aleksey Britsun2:19:26 PMGMT+347RUS+781363Dialing code171Connections+37 last weekPopulation88 198NewsConnections Tree
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