Slantsy district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grantWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grant11/15/2021Alexander DrozdenkoThe orchestra "Blizzard" gives on December 30 a New Year's concert "Waiting for a miracle". And the Komedianty theater will organize special performances for inhabitants of Slantsevsky, Podporozhsky and Lodeynopolsky areas in these holidays12/27/2021Eugenie ChaykovskyWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grantWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grant11/15/2021Alexander DrozdenkoThe orchestra "Blizzard" gives on December 30 a New Year's concert "Waiting for a miracle". And the Komedianty theater will organize special performances for inhabitants of Slantsevsky, Podporozhsky and Lodeynopolsky areas in these holidays12/27/2021Eugenie ChaykovskyWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grantWe will connect you with committee of social protection of the Slantsevsky area. At the same time I will give an assignment that to me prepared an explanatory note why so much time is considered the application for a grant11/15/2021Alexander Drozdenko1245Region News+15 last weekHead of the municipality since 2018Valery Kravchenko0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2018Valery Kravchenko12:58:39 PMGMT+347RUS+781374Dialing code95Connections+68 last weekPopulation42 296NewsConnections Tree
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