+1OfficialPoliticianVladimir Artyakov Last position: First deputy director general (SC Rostec)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armiesThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armies11/22/2023Aviation ExplorerQuickly work on import substitution of necessary accessories was begun, in particular, spark plugs, transport safety of the country directly depended on it12/13/2023Gazeta.RuThe plane is distinguished by highly effective operated arms of the class "air-air" and "air surface" of big range, and also the advanced system of radio-electronic counteraction and defenseThe plane is distinguished by highly effective operated arms of the class "air-air" and "air surface" of big range, and also the advanced system of radio-electronic counteraction and defense11/24/2023StarThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armiesThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armies11/22/2023Aviation ExplorerQuickly work on import substitution of necessary accessories was begun, in particular, spark plugs, transport safety of the country directly depended on it12/13/2023Gazeta.RuThe plane is distinguished by highly effective operated arms of the class "air-air" and "air surface" of big range, and also the advanced system of radio-electronic counteraction and defenseThe plane is distinguished by highly effective operated arms of the class "air-air" and "air surface" of big range, and also the advanced system of radio-electronic counteraction and defense11/24/2023StarThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armiesThe front Su-34 bombers differ high maneuverability and impressive fighting opportunities that allows them to carry out a wide range of tasks. The state corporation in full volume and in due time carries out deliveries of Su-34 to armies11/22/2023Aviation Explorer123117Related events+18 last weekFirst deputy director generalSC RostecMedia Score: LowFirst deputy director generalSC Rostec65years oldBornJuly 30, 1959MoscowRelationship status: He is married243Connections+68 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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