SC Rostec Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rublesThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rubles8/22/2018European-Asian NewsAfter integration with OAK Rostekh will be among the largest aircraft-building companies of the world, the annual output of an aviation cluster of corporation will exceed 1 trillion rubles8/26/2019FinmarketAlexey Mishenin from today's number already in other status. It already, unfortunately, not minister. Went to Rostekh, to increase. But remains the curator of the project of creation of industrial science and technology park in the status of the adviser Glava of Buryatia on a voluntary basisAlexey Mishenin from today's number already in other status. It already, unfortunately, not minister. Went to Rostekh, to increase. But remains the curator of the project of creation of industrial science and technology park in the status of the adviser Glava of Buryatia on a voluntary basis12/3/2018NIA BuryatiaThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rublesThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rubles8/22/2018European-Asian NewsAfter integration with OAK Rostekh will be among the largest aircraft-building companies of the world, the annual output of an aviation cluster of corporation will exceed 1 trillion rubles8/26/2019FinmarketAlexey Mishenin from today's number already in other status. It already, unfortunately, not minister. Went to Rostekh, to increase. But remains the curator of the project of creation of industrial science and technology park in the status of the adviser Glava of Buryatia on a voluntary basisAlexey Mishenin from today's number already in other status. It already, unfortunately, not minister. Went to Rostekh, to increase. But remains the curator of the project of creation of industrial science and technology park in the status of the adviser Glava of Buryatia on a voluntary basis12/3/2018NIA BuryatiaThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rublesThe plan of financial improvement is on the statement in state corporation. It is possible to tell with confidence that following the results of a year all loss of UVZ will be closed, and the consolidated profit is expected at the level of 1 billion rubles8/22/2018European-Asian News1231,948Company-related news+408 last weekDirector generalSergei Chemezov0Media Score250Rank positionDirector generalSergei ChemezovCountryRussian Federation2,403Connections+901 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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