OPORA RUSSIA Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSimilar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approachSimilar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approach9/13/2018Banki.ruThe most actual task is search of an optimum formula of interaction of the power and business. Those rules of the game which are shown to businessmen: taxes, supervision. All this has to be clearly registered absolutely10/22/2018business newspaper "Vzglyad"Similar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approachSimilar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approach9/13/2018Banki.ruThe most actual task is search of an optimum formula of interaction of the power and business. Those rules of the game which are shown to businessmen: taxes, supervision. All this has to be clearly registered absolutely10/22/2018business newspaper "Vzglyad"Similar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approachSimilar measures in Belarus led to that in three years before pre-retirement age of people ceased to take for work, and the government of the country refused this approach9/13/2018Banki.ru12604Company-related news+237 last weekPresidentAlexander Kalinin0Media ScorePresidentAlexander KalininCountryRussian Federation1,151Connections+404 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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