Helena Fomina Last position: Mayor (Administration of Kovrov of the Vladimir region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishingThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishing10/20/2023Nakanune.RuThis very joyful event both for them, and for us. Beautiful girls and the young man study, plan to make families, to live and work in Kovrov. Now they have an opportunity for start – the apartments. We hope that to them in them it will be cozy and comfortable12/1/2023Ковров СегодняThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishingThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishing10/20/2023Nakanune.RuThis very joyful event both for them, and for us. Beautiful girls and the young man study, plan to make families, to live and work in Kovrov. Now they have an opportunity for start – the apartments. We hope that to them in them it will be cozy and comfortable12/1/2023Ковров СегодняThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishingThe head of the region set the task to finish works in the current year. Quickly it is necessary to finish territory improvement round school, front works, to start up to the building heat that there it was possible to carry out finishing10/20/2023Nakanune.Ru1215Related events+4 last weekMayorAdministration of Kovrov of the Vladimir regionMedia Score: LowMayorAdministration of Kovrov of the Vladimir region46years oldBornNovember 17, 1977KovrovRelationship status: She is not married12Connections+7 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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