Kovrov Vladimir region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affectIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affect10/11/2023Alexander Aleksandrovich AvdeevThis very joyful event both for them, and for us. Beautiful girls and the young man study, plan to make families, to live and work in Kovrov. Now they have an opportunity for start – the apartments. We hope that to them in them it will be cozy and comfortable12/1/2023Helena FominaIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affectIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affect10/11/2023Alexander Aleksandrovich AvdeevThis very joyful event both for them, and for us. Beautiful girls and the young man study, plan to make families, to live and work in Kovrov. Now they have an opportunity for start – the apartments. We hope that to them in them it will be cozy and comfortable12/1/2023Helena FominaIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affectIn Kovrov as a result of rushes of thermal networks of JSC Vladimirteplogaz without heating there were 34 apartment houses. At school No. 10, classes, and the hall and catering department – no, are heated only. However educational process will not affect10/11/2023Alexander Aleksandrovich Avdeev12343Region News+75 last weekMayor since 2020Helena Fomina0Media ScoreMayor since 2020Helena Fomina867years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 11571:32:11 AMGMT+333RUS+7 49232Dialing code453Connections+124 last weekPopulation137 594NewsConnections Tree
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