Victoria Tsyganova Last position: Singer, composerViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stageAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stage12/9/2023FederalpressAs it is possible not to feel sorry for people who have neither brains, nor heart, neither conscience, nor the Homeland. It earlier it still somehow kochevryazhilsya. But blueness after all progresses, yields the fruits12/10/2023ОСНAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stageAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stage12/9/2023FederalpressAs it is possible not to feel sorry for people who have neither brains, nor heart, neither conscience, nor the Homeland. It earlier it still somehow kochevryazhilsya. But blueness after all progresses, yields the fruits12/10/2023ОСНAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stageAll ask about SHAMAN: when it was not known, I talked at night to it, he very much rejoiced to my calls. It is real, I have a correspondence and even voice, but then at it there came other stage12/9/2023Federalpress1210Related events+5 last weekMedia Score: Low61years oldBornOctober 28, 1963KhabarovskMarried toVadim Borisovich Tsyganov28Connections+15 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Trending LawsMost discussed today52Criminal and executive code of the Russian FederationRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations5People3Places2Events2Laws1
Social activitiesВ Ростове-на-Дону пройдёт неделя моды Don Fashion WeekRIA Fashion10/15/2024PeopleGeography25 secCentral Federal DistrictПевица Вика Цыганова посетила Единый пункт отбора на военную службу в МосквеEast district10/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia29 secCentral Federal DistrictПевица Вика Цыганова выступила в Едином пункте по отбору на военную службу в Москвеwebsite of edition "Nezavisimaya gazeta"10/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1 minCentral Federal DistrictВика Цыганова посетила Единый пункт отбора на военную службу в Москвеinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"10/15/2024PeopleGeographyMedia44 secLawТАСС: административное дело возбудили на блогера Дудя после интервью с ЛебедевымM2410/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia40 secSocial activities«Мощная природа»: Цыганова назвала Александра Михайлова сильным человекомNews.ru10/7/2024PeopleGeographyMedia44 sec