Vadim Borisovich Tsyganov Last position: Actor, musical producer, poet-song writer, screenwriter, sculptorViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThey cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back backThey cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back11/8/2023ОСНIt is expensive thing, it was specially ordered, it very well fulfilled, was not neither thrones, nor the wiretap. We thought, maybe, there will be thrones or the wiretap, but everything passed fine, the complex well fulfilled, and on the advice of Wicky I leave it on a postoyanka11/8/2023Gazeta.RuAlready there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back. It is exact, at all for 99%, I, of course, can be mistaken, but it would not be desirableAlready there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back. It is exact, at all for 99%, I, of course, can be mistaken, but it would not be desirable11/8/2023periodical e-edition ""They cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back backThey cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back11/8/2023ОСНIt is expensive thing, it was specially ordered, it very well fulfilled, was not neither thrones, nor the wiretap. We thought, maybe, there will be thrones or the wiretap, but everything passed fine, the complex well fulfilled, and on the advice of Wicky I leave it on a postoyanka11/8/2023Gazeta.RuAlready there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back. It is exact, at all for 99%, I, of course, can be mistaken, but it would not be desirableAlready there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back. It is exact, at all for 99%, I, of course, can be mistaken, but it would not be desirable11/8/2023periodical e-edition ""They cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back backThey cannot [return], already there was a division into people and bad people, it is visible. It does not depend any more neither on it, nor on the government. Already there was that situation, SHAMAN already "pressed the red button". It pressed, and it is already impossible to win back back11/8/2023ОСН1232Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low61years oldBornMay 30, 1963SterlitamakMarried toVictoria Tsyganova11Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
Social activitiesСпою бесплатно на ваших свадьбах: Вика Цыганова выступила в госпитале перед ранеными бойцамиDon2410/18/2024PeopleGeographyProducts31 secEntertainment«Декольте до колен»: тюменцы ушли с концерта SOPRANO ТурецкогоNews.ru10/11/2024PeopleGeographyMedia44 secHealthВадим Цыганов: я первый привел на телевидение Анатолия Кашпировского9/19/2024PeopleGeographyMediaProducts46 secBooksБулгаков в «Кладовке» St. Petersburg8/20/2024PeopleGeography1.6 minPolitics«Человек без родины»: Цыганов высмеял отказ Галкина поливать Россию грязьюNews.ru8/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia56 secPoliticsВиктория Цыганова сравнила с насекомыми уехавших из России артистовperiodical e-edition ""8/9/2024PeopleGeography37 sec
Social policyВолонтер Андрей Болдырев: "Я на это подписался и бросить не могу"Volga the News — News of Samara8/9/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts13.5 minSocial activitiesЦыганова высказалась о лицемерной «мадам Брошкиной» Пугачевойinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"8/8/2024PeopleGeographyMedia3.3 minSocial activitiesВика Цыганова высказалась о Назарове, Смольянинове и Максаковойinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"8/8/2024PeopleGeographyMedia1.8 minConcertsВика Цыганова объяснила, почему Пугачева и Галкин считают каждую копейкуinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"8/8/2024PeopleGeographyMedia2.6 minSocial activitiesВиктория Цыганова высказалась об уехавших из России артистахperiodical e-edition ""7/29/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia30 secSocial activitiesПевица Вика Цыганова заявила, что Макаревич и Галкин всегда ненавидели РоссиюGazeta.Ru7/29/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia34 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today98Hockey club "Vashington Kepitalz"Rating: 18-39Mention frequency18-39ConnectionsPeople176Organizations54Events52Places48Technologies8
Social activitiesЦыганова высказалась о Макаревиче, назвавшем русских «злобными дебилами»information portal "Argumenty i fakty"7/29/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia3.1 minSocial activitiesВика Цыганова высказалась о Пугачевой и других участниках фестиваля Вайкулеinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"7/29/2024PeopleGeographyMedia2 minSocial activitiesВика Цыганова высказалась о поведении Вайкулеperiodical e-edition ""7/18/2024PeopleGeographyMedia32 secMusicВиктория Цыганова отреагировала на запрет въезжать на Украинуperiodical e-edition ""7/16/2024PeopleGeography39 secSocial activitiesВика Цыганова прокомментировала поведение русофобки Лаймы Вайкулеinformation portal "Argumenty i fakty"7/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.4 minOtherВика Цыганова и "Эспаньола" записали клип к финалу Евро-2024R-sports7/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia44 sec