Government of the Moscow region Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversaryI on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversary9/8/2018RIAMOAccording to the Charter of the Moscow region, I want to bring on the statement of regional parliament of the candidate of vice governors and deputy chairmen of the government of the Moscow region, they are one less now, than was in the first period9/17/2018M24I on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversaryI on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversary9/8/2018RIAMOAccording to the Charter of the Moscow region, I want to bring on the statement of regional parliament of the candidate of vice governors and deputy chairmen of the government of the Moscow region, they are one less now, than was in the first period9/17/2018M24I on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversaryI on behalf of the government of the Moscow region congratulate all on a holiday. Lyubertsy – the enormous technological center of production and competences. Lyubertsy works 24 hours per day. Now came to congratulate time you on round date – the 395 anniversary9/8/2018RIAMO121,018Company-related news+215 last weekGovernorAndrey Vorobyev0Media Score250Rank positionGovernorAndrey Vorobyev982Connections+351 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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