Executive office president of United States of America Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United StatesDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United States8/16/2018Eurasia DailyWe take the most different measures, but we cannot go into detail yet. But I can tell that it will be both defensive, and the offensive cyberoperations directed on protection of electoral process from intervention from the outside9/3/2018Business KazakhstanDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United StatesDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United States8/16/2018Eurasia DailyWe take the most different measures, but we cannot go into detail yet. But I can tell that it will be both defensive, and the offensive cyberoperations directed on protection of electoral process from intervention from the outside9/3/2018Business KazakhstanDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United StatesDiscovery of bigger number of federal lands and waters for drilling of oil and gas wells — is a basis of the plan of the president Trump on achievement of power independence of the United States8/16/2018Eurasia Daily123,486Company-related news+1,174 last weekHead of administration of the White HouseRonald Alan Kleyn0Media Score250Rank positionHead of administration of the White HouseRonald Alan Kleyn2,253Connections+1,416 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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