Nagoya Country: JapanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have moreIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have more11/4/2017Georgy PoltavchenkoI consider that the young and vigorous team of new people is necessary to Nagoya. Loving the city, ambitious, honest. After all Nagoya soon has to become the second center4/13/2021Vitaly VerkeenkoIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have moreIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have more11/4/2017Georgy PoltavchenkoI consider that the young and vigorous team of new people is necessary to Nagoya. Loving the city, ambitious, honest. After all Nagoya soon has to become the second center4/13/2021Vitaly VerkeenkoIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have moreIt not only a new platform where Petersburgers and city visitors can study the star sky receive necessary information, but also the largest in the world planetarium. In the Japanese city of Nagoya there is a planetarium with a dome in 35 meters, we have more11/4/2017Georgy Poltavchenko1230Region News+7 last weekMayor Nagoya since 2009Takasi KavamuraMedia Score: LowMayor Nagoya since 2009Takasi Kavamura415years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 161010:18:08 PMGMT+981 52Dialing code108Connections+35 last weekPopulation2 275 171NewsConnections Tree
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