В Москве прошло общее собрание Всероссийской ассоциации рыбопромышленников

Главный вопрос, который обсуждался на собрании ВАРПЭ, помимо организационных и административных — финансовое состояние рыбной отрасли России...ИНН: 7805656341Белуга,...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Fishnet.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vladimir Solodov
Last position: Governor of Kamchatka Krai (Governor of the Kamchatka Territory)
Natalya Komarova
Main activity:Politician
Ilya Shestakov
Last position: Head (Federal Agency for Fishery)
Eugenie Semenovich Kats
Last position: The director of the department of regulation in the field of fishery and aquaculture (fish breeding) (Ministry for agriculture of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Ivanovich Kashin
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on agrarian questions)