Oksana Lut Last position: (Ministry for agriculture of the Russian Federation)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many loveAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many love11/22/2023Arguments and the Facts - AdygeaOur main tool is a rural mortgage. About 132 thousand families could use it already on preliminary results of 2023, the measure of support proceeds12/17/2023RoszdravnadzorThis year on all basic cultures we already reduced import more than twice. It is clear that the situation is connected with sanctions, but also our internal production growsThis year on all basic cultures we already reduced import more than twice. It is clear that the situation is connected with sanctions, but also our internal production grows12/15/2023Parliamentary newspaperAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many loveAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many love11/22/2023Arguments and the Facts - AdygeaOur main tool is a rural mortgage. About 132 thousand families could use it already on preliminary results of 2023, the measure of support proceeds12/17/2023RoszdravnadzorThis year on all basic cultures we already reduced import more than twice. It is clear that the situation is connected with sanctions, but also our internal production growsThis year on all basic cultures we already reduced import more than twice. It is clear that the situation is connected with sanctions, but also our internal production grows12/15/2023Parliamentary newspaperAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many loveAdygea is the agricultural region, shows good growth rates in the different directions of agrarian and industrial complex: it and development of livestock group, and processing with growth about 24%. Here it should be noted the Adygei cheese which many love11/22/2023Arguments and the Facts - Adygea123555Related events+46 last weekMinistry for agriculture of the Russian Federation0Media ScoreMinistry for agriculture of the Russian Federation45years oldBornFebruary 25, 1979MoscowRelationship status: no data714Connections+200 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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