Politico: Киев хочет разрешения на удары «Томагавками» вглубь территории РФ

Издание сообщило об этом со ссылкой на замглавы комитета Рады по вопросам нацбезопасности Егора Чернева.Читать...
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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky
Last position: President of Ukraine (President of Ukraine)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Dzhozef Robinett Bayden-mladshy (Joe Biden)
Last position: President of the United States of America (President of the United States)
Dmitry Peskov
Last position: Deputy head, Russian President's Press Secretary (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Yegor Chernev
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on questions of digital transformation (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)