Актер Александр Михайлов отметит 80-летие праздничным концертом «С любовью к России»

В Центральном доме кинематографистов в Москве пройдет юбилейный вечер актера...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Kultura newspaper» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Mikhaylov
Last position: Actor
Miroslava Mikhaylov
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema, model
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Mikhaylov
Last position: Leader of an evening show of Kostya Mikhaylov and Adam James (LLC "Maksimum Radio")
Irina Muravyeva
Last position: Actress (GAMT of the Russian Federation)
Victoria Tsyganova
Last position: Singer, composer
LLC "Soyuz kinematografistov Russia"
Main activity:Culture and sports