Причины горения: почему юг России охватили лесные пожары

Сложная ситуация сохранится в европейской части страны до конца недели, прогнозируют в...
Roman Mendelevich Vilfand
Last position: Research supervisor (Federal state-financed institution "Hydrometeorological center Russia")
Alexander Kurenkov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters)
Sergei Pavlovich Kozenko
Last position: Head of administration (City administration Krasnodon and Krasnodon area)
Arkady Ozhigin
Last position: Chief (Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defence, emergency Situations and Natural disaster response of the Republic of Crimea)
Regionalnogo government
Government Agency