VW планирует закрыть заводы в Германии — срок реализации этого плана удивляет

На грани краха. Volkswagen запланировал закрыть заводы в...
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Oliver Ingo Blyum
Last position: Chairman of the board (Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG)
Martin Vinterkorn
Last position: Chairman of the supervisory board of Audi and Porsche (Audi AG)
Herbert Diss
Main activity:Official
Thomas Shefer
Last position: CEO, chairman of the board of directors (Skoda Holding)
Shtefan Vayl
Last position: Prime minister of the Bottom Saxony (Land government State of Lower Saxony)
BYD Co. Ltd
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles