State of Lower Saxony Country: GermanyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibitionOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibition4/20/2018Aleksey FursinIt (an appeal of prime ministers - a comment. TASS) pushed overdue discussion in Germany. And we got support - from the prime minister of the Bottom Saxony Stefan Weill, economic associations9/16/2019Mikhael KrechmerOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibitionOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibition4/20/2018Aleksey FursinIt (an appeal of prime ministers - a comment. TASS) pushed overdue discussion in Germany. And we got support - from the prime minister of the Bottom Saxony Stefan Weill, economic associations9/16/2019Mikhael KrechmerOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibitionOne of residents of science and technology parks who makes touch-tables for preschool institutions, signed today with the company from the Bottom Saxony the contract following the results of the previous Hanover exhibition4/20/2018Aleksey Fursin1235Region News+12 last weekPrime minister of the Bottom Saxony since 2013Shtefan VaylMedia Score: LowPrime minister of the Bottom Saxony since 2013Shtefan Vayl5:34:15 PMGMT+1170Connections+88 last weekPopulation7 826 739NewsConnections Tree
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