Сборная Сербии на последних секундах спасла ничью в матче против Словении

Сборные Словении и Сербии сошлись в рамках чемпионата Европы по...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Evro-futbol.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Ian Oblak
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Atletiko Madrid")
Yaka Biyol
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (FC "Udineze")
Ian Mlakar
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Brayton end Khouv Albion")
Andrazh Shporar
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Sporting")
Benyamin Sheshko
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Red Bull Zaltsburg")