Belek Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took placYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took plac10/13/2021Olga BuzovaWe decided on collecting. All of them will pass in Turkey, in Beleke. There will be three collecting. We gather for medical examination on January 10 in Moscow, and from there we take off for Turkey11/9/2023Дмитрий Степанович АндреевYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took placYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took plac10/13/2021Olga BuzovaWe decided on collecting. All of them will pass in Turkey, in Beleke. There will be three collecting. We gather for medical examination on January 10 in Moscow, and from there we take off for Turkey11/9/2023Дмитрий Степанович АндреевYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took placYesterday in Beleke the annual Miss International festival (festival of beauty, fashion and talent) where me awarded with a special award – Miss Universe Beauty Euroasia] took plac10/13/2021Olga Buzova12325Region News+72 last week0Media Score385Connections+136 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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